Rants, Raves, and Rhetoric v4

Tag: cyborgs

  • Review: Robot Visions

    Robot Visions by Isaac Asimov My rating: 3 of 5 stars I enjoyed the Asimov’s essays about robots, computers, and cyborgs. They are well done. The short stories at the front of the book are the same stories published in other books. There are a few new ones. So, if you do not mind re-reading…

  • TED Talk: We Are All Cyborgs

    Technology is evolving us, says Amber Case, as we become a screen-staring, button-clicking new version of homo sapiens. We now rely on “external brains” (cell phones and computers) to communicate, remember, even live out secondary lives. But will these machines ultimately connect or conquer us? Case offers surprising insight into our cyborg selves.