Rants, Raves, and Rhetoric v4

Tag: backpack

  • Bag Man

    Apparently Kickstarter has decided I fit the profile of someone who wants the perfect bag. They may not be wrong. One reason why I love winter is I can justify wearing a coat. My favorite coat has a gallon in pocket space. I can carry ALL THE CRAP. Phone, novel, notebook, pens, change, receipts, camera, chargers, headphones,…

  • Losing My Mind

    CPR/AED training requires time on the floor rescuing dummies. Objects in pockets, like my Digital Elph, interfere with rescuing dummies. Digital cameras on desks without supervision have a tendency to disappear. (Not so much from coworkers kleptomania but from my distractions.) So I put it in my work backpack.  Today is the First Day of…

  • Shooting on the Run

    Do you have a camera that you take everywhere? My Canon SD800 IS (Elph) This digital point and click camera does well for every day use. In the winter, it fits in my coat pockets very easily. In the summer, it fits in my cargo or carpenter shorts’ pockets. I have it so often, others…