Day: October 30, 2001

  • Nerdity and Geek Quotients

    Nerdity Quotient: 65.2% (326/500) “YOU need some serious help” From the Nerdity Test I AM 45% GEEK. Take the GEEK Test at!  

  • Every Email Has an Attachment

    Office XP suxs… going back to Office 2000. The final needle was it started showing every email as having an attachment.

  • Lynx

    Just got a copy of Lynx. For the uninformed, it is a text based brower from the old days. Apparently it is one of those projects that is still being developed. Latest release was 10 Jul 2001.

  • Forms, Forms, Forms

    Lots of forms to make work. Field names giving me problems and the like. Hope to be done with it today.