Rants, Raves, and Rhetoric v4

Web browsing history

The history of what I have looked at in my web browser should be a feature I like. I know I read something this weekend about work ever expanding to fill the time. Even as efficiencies make things easier, there are places where waste balloons to make people work more than they really need. I eventually thought the example used were lawyers creating work for each other by overwhelming the opponent with too much information so they have to sift through more. It turns out that was correct.

In the middle of the week I ran across a couple articles about how automation while killing off some jobs will create others. I wanted to include the article from the weekend, but find it was a royal pain in the ass. About ten minutes in I wished that I had sent it to my boss like I thought I should just so it would be easier to find.

Eventually I located it to include in yesterday’s blog post. All it took was finding the right keyword.

I hit so many web pages, search is really the only way to find something so specific. And even then, I have to my library training to find something I want.

Bookmarks or Evernote or save later for services are not that helpful because I have to have the forethought to save them. All too often the things I save are not what I need later and things I failed to save are what I do.

I guess what I want is a smarter web browser history search which can figure out from my browser history what is related to a specific page.





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