Month: August 2011

  • Children of the Mind by Orson Scott Card My rating: 4 of 5 stars Plikt’s speech of Ender’s death reveals something about all of us. That was Ender’s life, unpeeling onion of life. Only unlike most of us, he knew that there was no golden kernel inside. There were only the layers of illusion and…

  • Pneumatic tubes

    According to Dan Pink, John Elfreth Watkins, Jr. predicted several things: Among his calls: Americans will be taller. (True) There will be no C, X, or Q in the alphabet. (False) Photographs will be telegraphed from large distances. (True) Rats and mice will be gone. (False). Pneumatic tubes, instead of store wagons, will deliver packages and…

  • IE and IQ


    A friend posted the Internet Explorer users ‘have below-average IQ’ story on Google+. On the one hand, I love the idea of bashing IE users as incapable computer users who ought to get off the Internet. But then my Psychology background screams at this study as generally worthless. The lack of a statistical analysis ought to…