Rants, Raves, and Rhetoric v4

Book Review – The Red Queen

The Red Queen: Sex and the Evolution of Human Nature The Red Queen: Sex and the Evolution of Human Nature by Matt Ridley

My review

rating: 5 of 5 stars
Darwin’s theory of natural selection opened a can of worms. Matt Ridley adds to the support for the case by attempting to explain: Why sexual and not asexual reproduction? Why males and females? Why do some species switch sexes? Why is human behavior around sex so peculiar?

The arguments are well composed and organized to build the case. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. I especially enjoyed how others were interested in borrowing the book to read it themselves.

View all my reviews.

(Created on Goodreads.com. Inspired to compose my own by the review of Twilight by Jocelyn.)

Zemanta Pixie


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