Rants, Raves, and Rhetoric v4

Month: June 2007

  • Happy?

    . Ask yourself whether you are happy and you cease to be so. John Stuart Mill English economist & philosopher (1806 – 1873) From The Quotations Page

  • Godwin’s Law

    Godwin’s Law: As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches one. Wowsers…

  • Open Letter to Netscape 7.2 Developers

    Hi guys, Um, English typically is read left-to-right and not right-to-left. So when I type in the address box, I’d really appreciate the flow of my typing to work in that direction as well. As a result, I would get “u.view.usg.edu” and not “ude.gsu.weiv.u”. Killing the process and starting a new one did resolve the…

  • Binary

    Right v wrong. White v black. 0 v 1. With all that I am, I am a maybe. Decision-Making: When up against a deadline, I’ll make a quick judgment and run with it. When I have time, I will mull over the possibilities infintitum. Why make a decision when no one wants a decision yet?…

  • Cookbook

    I’ve been asked for a cookbook of SQL to deal with issues in [WebCT / Blackboard] Vista. This seems like a daunting task. Organizationally, I guess I lean towards “everything is miscellaneous”. Just about everything starts with a few SQL statements I’ve come to memorize. Outside of that, every request has a number of nuances…

  • B for a Be

    Are online students really students? We like to think seeing is believing, but who meets a student who takes a completely online class? Apparently, seeing is also interpolating…. at Stanford, anyway. Is this a single case? How easy is it for someone to take an academic year’s worth of classes without anyone catching on to…

  • Stalked Crinoid Locomotion

    Recording of rapid crawling movement by a specimen of Neocrinus decorus on a ~5 minute video sequence. (Abstract)

  • QotD: I Turn My Camera On

    What kind of camera(s) do you own? Fulifilm 2400Z: My first digital camera. I bought it refurbished off a web site for $150 (including the largest card made for it). That was about $100 cheaper than the cheapest new camera I'd seen at the time. Now, they sell new ones for even cheaper. Sony W-5:…

  • QotD: Tune In, Turn On

    How many TVs do you have in your house? Living Room: has the digital cable box and TiVo. Bedroom: has the ancient DVD player. I need noise to fall asleep. Its weird, I know. As a kid, I played a tape and later CD so that it would eventually hit the end. No automatically playing…