Rants, Raves, and Rhetoric v4

Month: October 2006

  • QotD: Weekend Plans

    What are your plans for the weekend? Watch some football, catch up on TiVo, play with my tripod. Yes, you have a dirty mind! Read and post comments | Send to a friend

  • Videogames in the Classroom?

    Yes!! Videogames in the Classroom? – Newsweek Education – MSNBC.com: Where parents see hours wasted in front of a screen, these scientists see potential. An FAS study released this week, titled “Harnessing the power of video games for learning,” reports that best-selling games are built in surprisingly pedagogical ways. Players improve at their own pace.…

  • Spies Among Us

    Every quasi-governmental organization needs their own spies. Why am I not surprised that the MPAA has spies all over the country? I am surprised that the Boy Scouts of America (BSA, not to be confused with the Business Software Alliance the software equivalent of the MPAA and RIAA) are the spies. Though, the longer I…

  • Spies Among Us

    Every quasi-governmental organization needs their own spies. Why am I not surprised that the MPAA has spies all over the country? I am surprised that the Boy Scouts of America (BSA, not to be confused with the Business Software Alliance the software equivalent of the MPAA and RIAA) is are the spies. Though, the longer…

  • Big Clef

    Every quasi-governmental organization needs their own spies. Why am I not surprised that the MPAA has spies all over the country? I am surprised that the Boy Scouts of America (BSA, not to be confused with the Business Software Alliance the software equivalent of the MPAA and RIAA) are the spies. Though, the longer I…

  • Washington DC

    I took a trip with my family to Washington DC last weekend. Below is a sampling of pictures I took. Many more are over at Flickr. Click on any one below to see it larger. Plus the larger view has a link over to Flickr. 😀 Tyrannusaurus Rex The two little girls below are my…

  • QotD:Just Like Me, But In 2-D

    Which cartoon character best represents you?  Submitted by Know It All. Offhand, at the moment, I'd say Renton from Eureka 7. All internal angst about everything in the world. 🙂 Read and post comments | Send to a friend

  • Yeah for Fall

    It’s 67 F in my apartment this morning. It feels so very good. Over the past week I’ve noticed temperatures have dropped. My apartment retains heat pretty well. Its 42 outside. I went to visit Cat in Lawrenceville. She asked me to help her with her computers. I knew both were old and one is…

  • QotD: I Love To Shop For…

    What's your favorite thing to shop for?  Submitted by JadedButterfly. Books. I can spend hours in even a mediocre bookstore reading the first chapter of a book. Nive cover art, interesting rear jacket, and I've got to read the first chapter to determine whether the author's style seems worth the price. With movies and video…