Rants, Raves, and Rhetoric v4

Another skirmish in the fight to control the information people use to make life-changing financial decisions about us.

Hmmmmm… guess I got the copyright laws wrong. Could have sworn the law was that it is illegal to distribute copyrighted material. You could possess it or obtain it, just not distribute without permission.






4 responses to “”

  1. chelsizzo Avatar

    how intellectual

  2. OEnone Avatar

    copywrite laws are very weird, with every printed thing.  I know there is a lot of weird twists in the copywrites of music, and printed or otherwise documented music.  *shrug*  Someone got paid the big buck to make those laws turn like that..*LOL*

  3. joyfulgurrrl Avatar

    To sue or be sued…that is the question.  When labels start pursuing individuals for downloading an mp3, how do you think it affects their reputation?  Would you continue purchasing from that company if they came after you?  Just because you download an mp3, does that mean you will NEVER purchase another cd from them?  When does sharing music become stealing music?  How is that any different than me letting you borrow a cd, or even going to a party and playing something I thought was fantastic in front of 200 people?  I gag at these laws. — Damn, I’m copying this post to my site… :o)

  4. AlanaNightingale Avatar

    I agree with joyfulgurrl it is beyond stupid

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