Yeah, I succumbed to paying. May as well. I use it so I should support it, right?

Conspicuously I am not in the recently upgraded list…

maybe it only takes me griping about my name missing to get me listed?

8 responses to “”

  1. thisisntaboutyou Avatar

    yes you are. cause i clicked your name and here i am.

  2. m_loaf Avatar

    me too that is how i got here.

  3. anth0nyc Avatar

    same here… that blogzilla blog sounds kewl too. thanks for subscribing!

  4. sicanorse Avatar

    you’re on it now!

  5. bladesgal17 Avatar

    Your listed.  I’m busy checking out out all the new upgrades.  Welcome to the club.

  6. Kemai Avatar

    Wow, you paid? hahah I’m not willing to… heh heh. Have a nice day.
    w/MuchLuv&Aloha, =|k|E|M|A|i|=

  7. Kathy Avatar

    griping musta worked

  8. heartrot Avatar

    Hehe, yeah.  Maybe if I gripe they’ll gimme a free premium account.

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