Rants, Raves, and Rhetoric v4

Month: December 2000

  • Evaluation

    Get my 6 month evaluation this week right before Christmas. Should get a pretty good one. Have not done anything too terribly bad I don’t think. Feel like some of the things I’ve done are not listed on my projects page. Will revisit that again. Pretty cool concept I think. Public wishlist? Here is mine…

  • PhotoShop Lightning

    Hmmmmmm… like my new toys for PhotoShop. Played around with the banner on my home page to put some lightning on it. Figuring out things I have never done to explain it to other people. Life of tech support, huh?

  • Updated Home Page

    Updated my home page with a slightly newer look. Experimenting with an image mapped version. Will try slicing the image and doing some mouseovers later. UPDATED 24-MAR-2010: Removed the link to my old Valdosta State University personal web site. Since leaving, I’ve set a redirect which comes to this blog. 🙂

  • anti-virus support

    Ah… my computer is unavailable as it is in the process of being experimented on by our anti-virus support. Means I can’t really do anything. Back to work!